Light Up Your Life
21-Day Meditation & Manifestation Journey
January 14 - February 4, 2025

Welcome beautiful! Wonderful that you're coming on this 21-day meditation and manifestation journey with us fellow sisters!

To complete registration, please fill out the form below and submit payment as shown at the bottom of the form. You will receive a confirmation email within 1 business day of our receiving your payment. Please be sure to add to your email Contacts, so you receive our emails to your Inbox (not Spam).

If you have any questions, please contact me or IG: @BryarlyM

21-Day Light Up Your Life Meditation Journey

Registration Form

If you would like to connect on social media
(Select from dropdown menu)
How did you hear about the program?
Do you agree to receive communications from Bryarly/Earth Nectar and subscribe to our email list? Your email address will never be shared and you can unsubscribe at any time.
Kundalini Awakening Meditation is an active practice involving breathwork, sound, shaking, dancing/movement and sitting meditation. Participants with relevant health concerns should consult their doctor before registering. Please be advised that you participate in the program at your own risk.
Have you experienced any form of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse? (Optional to answer, but can be helpful for me to know as we embark on this journey together.)
Are you currently pregnant?
Your answer will help us suggest modifications.
Include country code and area code
Will you have access to a reliable internet connection (> 10 MBps speed) and audio system (good external speaker or bluetooth headset), and a private space where you can make some noise, for the duration of the program? Feeling the sound current is important for this practice.
Participants will be asked to turn off their video cameras if they do the meditation nude. This is to protect your online privacy as an additional safeguard. Do you agree to turn off your video camera when asked?
Privacy and confidentiality are essential, so do you agree to a) neither video record nor audio record the class, and b) keep confidential all private information that is shared in the class?
Private information is anything that is not common knowledge.
Please read and agree to our complete Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy (linked below) before submitting your form.
Program Reminders
  • Program cost: USD $150 (CAD $200), or ask about sliding scale
  • Program schedule: 4 weekly classes + daily solo practice + chat support + resources

Thursday January 14 (1st class, 3 hr): 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm EST

Includes introductions, creative alchemy workshop, intention setting, Kundalini Awakening Meditation demo and practice

Thursdays January 21 and 28 (1 hr 20 min): 6:30 pm - 7:40 pm EST

Kundalini Awakening Meditation group practice

Thursday February 4 (1 hr 30 min): 6:30 pm - 7:50 pm EST

Journey debrief and integration

Plus bonus Q&A session to go deeper and work through any blocks. Will be recorded for anyone who misses it.

  • To complete registration and secure your spot, please e-transfer your payment immediately to or pay via the Pay By Card link on next page.
  • All classes will be conducted online through Zoom and require a reliable internet connection (upload/download speeds > 10 Mbps), and good speakers or bluetooth headset for playing the music through. Powerful sound is an essential part of the experience.
  • As this meditation combines breath, sound, and movement, it is recommended that you have access to a private space where you can freely make noise.
  • Please make sure you are committed to attending the whole session (check dates and times) before registering and submitting your payment.
  • After you make your full payment, we will send you an email confirming your enrollment, including further program info and access to the program's Telegram Group.
  • Enrollment for this program will be capped at 20 participants.
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