Our online programs give you a live group experience from the comfort of your home

ONLINE (LIVE) - Feb. 9 - Mar. 1, 2025
Awaken Bliss: 21-Day Tantra Meditation Journey
A life-changing 21 day journey involving daily practice of Satyarthi's powerful Kundalini Awakening Meditation, with group support. For people ready to experience a significant shift in themselves or in their life, to drop old patterns, awaken their full vitality, joy and loving heart, and manifest more effectively than ever before.
ONLINE (LIVE) - Feb. 19 - Mar. 26, 2025
Awakened Woman: 6-week Tantra Wellness Training
Awaken your full life-force for more love, joy, and juicy aliveness through this powerful journey with fellow sisters. Deepen in self-love, pleasure and positive relationship with your body. Tap into your inner feminine, creating more easily in your life. Free yourself energetically from past relationships, reclaiming your sovereignty. Experience more peace, relaxation and connection in life.
GUIDED RITUAL - for download
Clear Past (and Present) Relationships
This is a powerful guided cord-cutting ritual.
Whether perceptible or not, we often have energetic cords still attaching us to past lovers, which can hinder us from fully opening to new love and possibilities in our life. We can also have draining entanglements in current relationships.

Through this simple, effective ritual you will clear the cords and bring your power and energy back.
Ask a question, or book a free 20-min discovery call with Bryarly to see if her programs are a Yes! for you.
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Photos courtesy of Shabana Buwalda (IG: shabana.buwalda), Erick Tejas (IG: intuitiv_snaps) and Tantra Nectar.
All photos and videos shall not be used without the owners' permission.
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