with Bryarly

Certified Tantra Teacher & Life Guide
Welcome beautiful! Wonderful that you're coming on this tantra wellness journey with us fellow sisters!
To complete registration, please fill out the form below and submit payment as shown at the bottom of the form.

You will receive a confirmation email within 1 business day of sending your payment. Please be sure to add Bryarly@EarthNectar.ca to your email Contacts, so you receive our emails to your Inbox (not Spam).
If you have any questions, please contact me Bryarly@EarthNectar.ca or IG: @BryarlyM

Awakened Woman Course Registration Form

If you would like to connect on social media
How did you hear about the program?
We need your permission to send you emails. Do you agree to receive communications from Bryarly/Earth Nectar? You can unsubscribe from our email list at any time and your email address will never be shared.
Have you experienced any form of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse? (Optional to answer, but can be helpful for me to know as we embark on this journey together.)
We kindly ask you to inform us about any illnesses, diseases, recent surgeries or injuries (less than a year ago) that you have:
We will be doing physically active practices such as dance, breathwork, self-massage and dynamic meditations. Before registering for this program, consult your doctor regarding any health concerns you may have, and please be advised that you participate in the program at your own risk.
Are you currently pregnant?
If so, congratulations! (This helps me to suggest modifications.)
Include country code and area code
Participants will be asked to turn off their video cameras during certain intimacy practices. This is to protect your online privacy as an additional safeguard. Do you agree to turn off your video camera when asked?
Privacy and confidentiality are essential, so do you agree to a) neither video record nor audio record the class, and b) keep confidential all private information that is shared in the class?
Private information is anything that is not common knowledge.
I will be screen recording the classes so enrolled participants who miss a class can watch the screen recording to catch up. Do you consent for screen recordings to include your face and/or voice, understanding that they will only be made available to participants of this course round and only for the duration of the course? Thereafter the recordings will be unavailable for viewing.
Please read and agree to our complete Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy (linked below) before submitting your form.
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