Feedback for Awakened Woman Course
Your feedback on the course and my facilitation of it would be super helpful and appreciated, both so I can improve the course and can highlight its benefits to other women who are seeking similar shifts. Thanks very much!
Are there any other changes you would suggest to how I run this course, either to the content, structure, technical aspects, the resources I post, or how I facilitate? Any other constructive feedback is welcome and appreciated.
If you would be willing to make a testimonial below about the Awakened Woman course and about me Bryarly as a facilitator/guide, that would be awesome, helping other women who are looking for this kind of journey to dive in.

For example, your testimonial could summarize the positive impact that the course had on you (what shifted/opened up), how Bryarly was as a facilitator/guide, and whether you'd recommend the course to others.

Please sign it with the name that you'd like to appear on the testimonial. And let me know whether I may use a profile photo of you with your testimonial, which tends to make testimonials more personal and credible (totally ok if you don't want your photo with it!).
May I also use excerpts from your other responses above in testimonials?
Thank you so much for your feedback, for joining us on this journey, showing up with your love, care and sincere presence, for all you shared, and for giving me this opportunity to share tantra! Many blessings and a big love shower to you. xo
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